Rawnice Collaborators Portraits: Sandra Euler


In the another istallment of our Collaborators Portraits Series, we would to introduce you Sandra Euler aka @joahtopping.

Sandra is an Instagram food blogger, and healthy foodie passionate about colorful smoothies! She is sharing her beautiful smoothie bowls on her Instagram account. She joined our Collaborators Team in 2019, and she surprises us with her creativity every day!❤️ 


 Read our short interview with Sandra and get her know better!


Introduce yourself - tell us a bit about you and your activities in social media 

I´m  Sandra and i love to connect with people on IG and to show my colorful smoothies, fruit toppings and desserts on my account named @joahtopping

When did you start your journey with food blogging on Ig, and what inspired you to start? 

I'm a lover and I used to prepare breakfast smoothies for my family. They told me to share it on Instagram and so I started with joahtopping at the end of 2019.

What is the best and worst thing about being a food blogger/food creator? 

The best thing is to connect with like minded and wonderful people, that you would otherwise never have met. The food community is so big and the worst thing for me is that some people see that fact not as a chance to inspire each other but to compete.


Where do you get inspiration for new recipes and photos? 

The colors of nature are the best inspiration for me.


Besides food creating and blogging, do you have other passions in your life? How do you like to spend your free time? 

I love to spend time with my family and friends, my animals, listening to music and dancing.


Why did you decide to collaborate with us at Rawnice? 

I immediately felt welcome with you as a family. Rawnice is an open and warm company and that's not self-evident. I appreciate that very much.

What is your favourite Rawnice powder, and why? 

That's quite clear: Burgundy beet root powder. The colour is so incredibly intense and the taste so good.


We celebrate Women's Day this week. Are there any women who inspire you? 

Yes, my mum and my twin sister.

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"I made an amazing rainbow cake! Everyone loved it, and I love that it's not just nice to look at, but it's also healthy! Thank you :)"

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Gali N.